Wednesday, September 8, 2010

SUET! The Adventures of Actually DOING the Experiments!

Those of you who know me best know that I tend to be a bit scatter brained and flighty.  I have a very hard time with follow through...........which is why my house is usually in complete disarray.  I might start to pick up the living room---take some shoes to my closet---see some dirty clothes there---take them to the laundry room----see the calendar on the wall in there and realize I need to check on the location of a game---go downstairs to the computer to look it up----get in front of the computer and wind up on Facebook instead.  Meanwhile......the only thing I've done so far to clean up the living room is remove my shoes from the floor in there!!

Anyway, unfortunately this distractability has been known to, at times, carry over into my teaching methods.  In the past, I had a full time job in direct sales that took a lot of my time (and was "open" all times of the day and night), so I felt very "pulled away" from dedicating my time to planning and carrying out all those cool projects and experiments in the science book.

This year, I've had to let go of some things in order to focus on the areas in my life (homeschooling being one of them) that are most important and most deserving of my time and dedication.  I have committed to buying and using a planner.  This has helped tremendously.  I also have a set time to do my planning......imagine THAT!

This year in Science we are studying Zoology.  We are currently learning about birds.  Sounds a bit boring, I know....but let me tell you we are all having a blast.  Yesterday we spent $4 on a hummingbird feeder.  We are having so much fun observing and recording information about these funny and gorgeous birds!  Their behavior around the feeder has had us all laughing.  I highly suggest you get a hummingbird feeder! Best $4 I've spent in a long while!

Today, we made "Smart Suet" for a feeder.  It was fun letting the kids make a mess and figure out the recipe themselves.  It was the first time I've ever bought LARD in my life.  YUCK!  The recipe made 8 snack sized baggies of suet.  I figure that will be enough to last us a while.  We are all excited to see the new birds that this will attract to our yard.
Perhaps more pics to come later.  When I get my nice camera from the office I hope to get some cool pics of all the hummingbirds.

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