Monday, September 20, 2010

Girl Meets Tree

It's been a while since I've posted anything frivolous!  I've been so busy trying to get my butt in gear (literally) with this new 30 Day Fitness Challenge with which I've "challenged" myself.  Between that and all the new fall scheduling, it's been hard to find the time.  But oh how I do love rambling.  I love the idea of being able to share my thoughts.......sometimes deep......sometimes just bragging about a kiss from Elvis and I don't have to feel like I'm imposing on anyone.  Reading is VOLUNTARY!  I love the arrangement! :)

I wanted to post this picture of this tree because it is my absolute favorite tree.  I am one of those people who is always seeing a great "picture" as I'm going through my day.  I can't tell you how many times I think to myself, "I wish I had my camera!"

On the day this picture was taken, I was half asleep walking the dog early on a Sunday a mess, no bra (oh come one, I'm not the only one who walks my dog bra-less early in the morning right??), shoes that were two sizes too big for get the picture.  It wasn't until I walked to the end of my street and turned back around that I noticed my "favorite" tree on the corner of my street framed in the sunlight, clouds hovering over the distant mountains.

Well if you thought I looked silly at the beginning of my walk, try to imagine me running (still no bra...oh my) back to the house and then running back with a big digital slr around my neck and no more doggie!  I must have taken a dozen pictures of that tree.

It just made me stop and think.  It was breathtaking.  I wanted to remember it.

I'm seriously considering bringing my cool red couch out there and having our family Christmas picture taken underneath that tree.  My neighbors already think I'm crazy right?

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