Thursday, October 14, 2010

The Winding Road Ahead

So many questions, Lord

So many fears

As my anxiety wells

I hear Your Word in my ear,

"Child, this road I've paved for you...

These mountains I've formed.

My plans are for your good.

Walk in them and you'll be transformed.

You will walk this road, child, these mountains you'll climb.

You must remember I'll be here with you all the time.

Walk this road with Me, child, with every step trust in Me.

You can let go of your fears and watch Me take the lead."

I wrote that poem during a time of huge transition for our family.  We had moved away from all that was home to us..........moved halfway across the country without much of a plan as to what we would do.  We were in a time of transition.
Living with my Mother-in-law.
She was so was so humbling.
Trying to acclimate to this strange and beautiful new state of NC where I found myself in awe of the mountain against the horizon one minute and the next hearing myself saying to my six year old daughter, "Honey, don't get too close to that snake."
Everything was new.
Nothing was certain.
I was afraid.  I felt forgotten by God. 
Have you ever felt that way?  Most of us don't want to admit it when those thoughts creep into our heads and attempt to take root in our hearts.
I have found that it is in those times when God allows us to be stripped bear of all the THINGS onto which we hold so tightly and to which we attach so much (false) hope that is when His voice is most clearly heard. 
He tenderly binds the wounds our self sufficiency has inflicted.  Allows us to be quiet at His feet.  And then He speaks true hope into our souls once again. 
He is always faithful. 
He always woos us back to His side though we stray and are so easily enthralled--sometimes by the very blessings He places in our lives. 
May we never allow His blessings to become our idols.
May we always trust Him though we cannot see beyond the curve in that winding road ahead.


  1. Thanks for this reminder. Love reading through your blog. And I love that you and Jarod are in small group with us. It's gonna be fun getting t know one another better.


  2. Thanks for the encouraging words, Dawn! We are excited too about small group. See you Sunday!
