The problem with my Monday started on Sunday afternoon when I woke up from my Sunday Slumber feeling refreshed and ready to take on new goals for my upcoming, fresh, clean-slate of a week.
"I'll get up early..............I'll start back up at one of the two gyms to which I belong (long story how that me there's a good reason for two memberships)"
"I'll set the alarm for 5:30....wayyy before I really need to be awake so I can finally get that empty spiral notebook I bought last week actually filled in with my prayer list."
"I'll get done with school efficiently and on time......maybe even early all this week so I can take pictures at the zipline and replenish the "Christmas Money" account that I all but cleaned out last month on extra bills and all the things that require money that seem to keep creeping up."
And then MONDAY came and brought with it--REALITY:
I woke up late to a sink full of dishes.
Confession: Sometimes I go to bed knowing that in my sink, I'm leaving a strong prescription for a really bad morning. I mean who wants to be greeted by crusty peanut butter knives and noodle laden colanders? Why couldn't my coffee maker be the one to tell my "Good morning, welcome to your Monday?"
And then I remembered another horrifying fact...........
Mondays are the dreaded "Sheet Changing Days!"
and bi-weekly "throw-laundry-on-my-bed-so-I-HAVE-to-fold-it-only-to-put-it-back-in-baskets-at-11pm-because-I'm-too-tired" day!
Notice that I don't write a "Housekeeping Blog!"
Mondays always look so "do-able" on Sunday don't they?
I don't really have a deep, meaningful purpose in sharing this today. I guess I just wanted to give others a look into the trenches of a typical Monday in this Missouri mamma's life.
What have I learned? It's always best to look for the lesson in a struggle right?
-I've learned to think carefully before setting expectations too high.
-I've learned that you can sit and dream up goals 'till the cows come home, but you have to put a plan into place in order to make those goals a reality....or you'll be like ME...sitting still bra-less in your pjs at 12:30pm wearing too much elastic and not nearly enough make-up!
-I've learned that it's wrong to allow full sinks, stripped beds, and clean-but-already-wrinkled laundry taunt you into feeling defeated.
Happy Monday to You All. May your sinks be empty, your beds be made, and your laundry folded and put least by Tuesday morning right?!
You can accomplish anything you put your mind to;-] Happy Monday! Kellie