Saturday, August 28, 2010

My Favorite New Planner

I'm so excited about my favorite new planner that I had to share.  I know I have a lot of fellow Mammas who, like me, have struggled to find a good, all inclusive, planner.  Look no further! 
I found this planner at a recent homeschool conference.  The first thing that jumped out at me and screamed, "BUY ME...I'm the ONE for which you've been earnestly searching." was how darn pretty the cover is!  I love pretty things.  In fact...I must confess here that I've been coveting some more experienced blogger's super pretty blog pages.  Oh my my...they are so much more fun to read when they are PRETTY.  But.. I digress.
The website is full of great ideas, additional planners, as well as a magazine (they let you have a free trial issue).  They also have a fabulous blog.
When I find a treasure, I like to pass it on.  I hope you enjoy this resource as much as I do!

Now,  if I could just get a workable cleaning schedule that appropriately incorporates my kiddos in a good portion of the work.......maybe a future blog post!


  1. I SO have that planner too!! Let's ask eachother in a year if we used it or not!!!

  2. Ha ha! I'm into my third week and have been using it. Old dogs CAN learn new tricks maybe. :)
